Mon-Sat 10-6 | 360.733.5840 | Closed Christmas Eve & Christmas Day

Claricord Elastic Clarinet Neckstrap

  • Suitable for professionals, serious students and beginners of all ages.
  • Elasticised for comfort and flexibility.
  • Reduces the weight of the clarinet on the right hand thumb.
  • Enables all players to play longer without fatique.
  • Reduces common technical problems for beginners by easing tension in the fingers, wrists and arms. Especially useful for children with small hands.
  • Fully adjustable for personal comfort.
  • Fits both A and Bb clarinets.
  • Easily fitted and removed.



In stock
Weight:  0.04
Price: $28.76

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winds, strings, percussion repair, rentals, retail

Bellingham Wind Works

2405 Meridian Street

Bellingham, WA 98225

Mon-Sat 10-6


[email protected]
